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12. Ankündigung: Date.mcc v12.1
Date is an abstract Custom Class of the Magic User Interface (c) by
Stefan Stuntz.
It's a subclass of notify-class and only usable for developers who
want to build subclasses of Date.mcc!
The idea of this class was born during developing my Gregor
MUI abstract public custom class allowing easy handling of dates.
Because it is abstract it is only usefull for developers who are
working with classes that are based on Date.mcc (like DateString.mcc),
or who want to build their own classes based on Date.mcc.
Date.mcc features:
- Handles years from 8 to 8000
- Supports the Gregorian calendar reform
- Supports MUIM_Import and MUIM_Export
- Supports drops of other date objects and date-strings
- A week can begin with any weekday
- The date can be read as day/month/year format or as JD or MJD
- The date range can be restricted
- Method to set the current date
- Methods for increasing and decreasing the date
- Method to compare with another date object
MUI 3.1
date.library 33.286
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to copy and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose, provided that the copyright
notice and the following paragraphs appear in all copies of this
software, to:
- All who will distribute this software for free.
- All free accessible Internet servers.
- All Aminet sites.
- Fred Fish for his great Amiga software library.
- The German SAAR AG PD library.
- Angela Schmidt's Meeting Pearls series.
- All others who do NOT take more than US$ 5. - for one disk that
includes this software.«
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Ausgabe 01/98
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